It is a new type of book containing Usborne-recommended Web sites specially chosen to take you further into the subject in a fun and informative way, and which has links on the Usborne Quicklinks Web site at to take you straight to the recommended sites. Packed with information about birds from all over the world, this book looks at their amazing powers of flight, elaborate courtship displays and incredible nest-building abilities. Stunning photography gives close-up views of birds in their natural habitats, while Lively illustrations provide an entertaining insight into their habits. Nota: el contenido de este libro se encuentra en inglés. Contiene imágenes a color. Impreso en papel esmaltado. Packed with information about birds from all over the world, this book looks at their amazing powers of flight, elaborate courtship displays and incredible nest-building abilities. Stunning photography gives close-up views of birds in their natural habitats, while Lively illustrations provide an entertaining insight into their habits. Nota: el contenido de este libro se encuentra en inglés. Contiene imágenes a color. Impreso en papel esmaltado. Nota: el contenido de este libro se encuentra en inglés. Contiene imágenes a color. Impreso en papel esmaltado. Contiene imágenes a color. Impreso en papel esmaltado.