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Immanuel Kant's 'Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals' is a seminal work in moral philosophy that seeks to establish a foundation for ethical principles based on reason. In this treatise, Kant examines the concept of morality and argues for the existence of moral truths that are independent of personal desires or feelings. Written in a clear and systematic style, the book explores the idea of the categorical imperative as a universal principle that governs moral actions. Kant's work is situated within the context of Enlightenment philosophy, emphasizing the importance of individual autonomy and rationality in ethical decision-making. His critique of traditional moral theories and emphasis on rationality as the basis for morality make this book an essential read for anyone interested in ethics and philosophy. Immanuel Kant, a German philosopher of the 18th century, was known for his contributions to metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics. His belief in the inherent dignity of human beings and the importance of moral reasoning influenced generations of philosophers and continues to shape ethical discourse today. 'Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals' is a timeless classic that challenges readers to question their assumptions about morality and consider the role of reason in ethical decision-making.


Atributos LU
Año de Edición
Immanuel Kant, Thomas Kingsmill Abbott
Núm. Páginas
Peso (Físico)
Tamaño Archivo (Virtual)
DRM (Virtual)
Formato Electrónico (Virtual)
Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals
Biografía del Autor
<p>Immanuel Kant (1724&ndash;1804) stands as a central figure in modern philosophy. A native of K&ouml;nigsberg, Prussia (now Kaliningrad, Russia), his comprehensive and systematic works in epistemology, metaphysics, ethics, and aesthetics have profoundly influenced all subsequent philosophy, particularly the various schools of Kantianism and idealism. Kant\'s major work, \'Critique of Pure Reason\' (1781), seeks to establish the limits and scope of metaphysics using his famous doctrine of a priori synthetic knowledge. He is also renowned for his ethical treatise, \'Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals\' (1785), which lays the foundation for his deontological ethical system, wherein duty and reason are central. Herein, he attempts to derive universal moral laws, introducing the categorical imperative as a principle of evaluating the moral worth of actions. His ideas of moral autonomy and his insistence that morality springs from human reason situated Kant as a significant influencer in the shaping of modern ethical thought. His works, such as \'Critique of Practical Reason\' (1788) and \'Critique of Judgement\' (1790), further imprint his indelible mark on philosophical understandings of human freedom, morality, and aesthetics. Kant\'s impact transcends his age, perpetuating a legacy that continues to challenge and inspire both the academic circles and broader discourses in ethics and rationality.</p>
ISBN: 8596547158172
Referencia: BW1037879895

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