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In 'Past and Present,' Thomas Carlyle seamlessly weaves together historical analysis and social critique, utilizing his distinct narrative prose that incorporates both aphorism and ecclesiastical cadence. Placed within Carlyle's Collected Works as Volume XIII, the book transcends mere historical recounting and undertakes an ambitious exploration of societal woes and virtues by contrasting the ethos of the medieval past with the industrial realities of the Victorian present. The literary style is marked by its rich allegorical texture and the author's characteristic direct, yet elaborate rhetorical style, situating the work in a unique space between narrative history and moral philosophy. Carlyle's exploration in 'Past and Present' resonates with the deep-seated issues of leadership and spirituality, providing a profound commentary on human society that maintains relevance in literary and historical discussions.

Thomas Carlyle was not only a prolific writer but also a philosopher and historian, whose works have left an indelible mark on the field of social criticism. This engagement with society's underlying spiritual and moral currents finds its roots in Carlyle's personal quest for truth and his disapproval of materialism. His observations highlighted the disparities and social injustices of his time, spurred by the mechanization and depersonalization resulting from the Industrial Revolution. Carlyle's perspicacity and passionate eloquence stem from a deeply felt need to address and reform the prevailing societal ills, a mission fully embraced in 'Past and Present' as he makes a clarion call for social and spiritual rebirth.

'Past and Present' is recommended for readers with a penchant for history, social philosophy, and literary artistry. Carlyle's masterful blend of historical narrative and moral exhortation makes this work a pertinent read for those interested in the evolution of societal values and the roles of leadership and community. It continues to serve as a profound reminder of the cyclical patterns in society's moral and spiritual fabric, demanding reflection and consideration from scholars, students, and anyone looking for an insightful commentary on human progress.


Atributos LU
Año de Edición
Thomas Carlyle
Thomas Carlyle's Collected Works, Vol. XIII
Núm. Páginas
Peso (Físico)
Tamaño Archivo (Virtual)
DRM (Virtual)
Formato Electrónico (Virtual)
Past and Present
Biografía del Autor
<p>Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881) was a prolific Scottish essayist, historian, satirist, and social commentator, best known for his penetrating and socially critical writings. Born in Ecclefechan, Carlyle attended the University of Edinburgh, paving the way for his intellectual pursuits. His seminal works include \'Sartor Resartus\' and \'The French Revolution: A History\', but it was his book \'Past and Present\', published in 1843, that exemplified his talent for dissecting societal issues. In this work, Carlyle contrasts the medieval past with the then-modern industrial society to critique the moral shortcomings he perceived in his own era. His writing often mingled a fiery, prophetic style with a stern moralism, directed at the materialism and spiritual lethargy of the Victorian age. Carlyle\'s influence was substantial in his time; his ideas prefigured existentialist thought and greatly shaped social theory. His works are characterized by a dramatic and impassioned prose style, replete with irony and historical themes. Despite his significance, Carlyle\'s reputation has been polarized due to his writings\' perceived elitism and his later-life flirtation with authoritarianism. Carlyle was also noted for \'On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and The Heroic in History\', where he argued for the importance of heroes and leaders in shaping history. Carlyle\'s impact extended into the political sphere, informing leaders and intellectuals with his cultural criticisms and insights on leadership.</p>
ISBN: 8596547170587
Referencia: BW1037927173

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