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Structured as four numbers in the end, the Peralada suite expresses the impact made by these visits through four "impressions for piano" (as indicated in the subtitle of the work). Indeed, it is the composer's most "impressionist" work, as it seeks to reflect, through memory, the sensations aroused by the contemplation of the landscape. At the same time, it is a compendium of his mastery and art at its apogee.
The cycle starts with "El parc", a revised, definitive version of the original "Le Bois". The piece is a veritable musical poem, passing like a sigh between murmurs and vaporous sounds produced by a markedly Debussian score. On a harmonic pedal used from the beginning to the end, blocks of chords rub together, free from any tonal relationship, to produce an unreal atmosphere. The wind crosses the landscape from time to time, carrying with it the echo of remote melodies.
In "El castell, el castellar i la castellana" (The Castle, the Lord of the Castle and the Castilian Girl), a theme with an archaic character in the style of a knightly march, he suggests a new mood reminiscent of medieval times. An indisputably Wagnerian melody immediately evokes the vision of the hero, embodied by intentionally conventional piano scoring. A sudden, very cinematic change of plan (the composer was a great fan of cinema) introduces a third more tender and anxious theme (the Castilian Girl). With a return to the initial epic, the piece ends triumphantly in an undeniably "cinematic" finale with the ringing of bells into the bargain. "Oració a la Verge Carmelitana" (Prayer to the Carmelite Virgin) shifts the scenario to the church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel next to the castle.
A first theme, ideal for the harmonium, calls the congregation to prayer. The large number and diverse nature of the melodies that follow seems to suggest a wide range of prayers and supplications. In a veritable pianistic tour of force the suite finishes with "Nimfes en el jardí" (Nymphs in the garden). Written in the style of a scherzo féerique, the piece seems to go beyond the strict form of the rondo on which it is based and fades out leaving a decidedly dreamlike sensation.


Atributos LU
Año de Edición
Francesc Civil i Castellví, Miquel Villalba, Francesc Civil i Castellví, Martí Ferrer
Un castell a l'Empordà
Núm. Páginas
Peso (Físico)
Tamaño Archivo (Virtual)
DRM (Virtual)
Formato Electrónico (Virtual)
Biografía del Autor
<p>Francesc Civil Castellv&iacute; (1895-1990) va pert&agrave;nyer a una fam&iacute;lia de m&uacute;sics, va rebre la primera formaci&oacute; musical del seu pare. Fins que va ingresar l&amp;apos;Escolania de Montserrat a l&amp;apos;any 1903. Va seguir la seva formaci&oacute; a &Eacute;tampes (1908-1910), Pithiviers (1910-1913) i a la Schola Cantorum de Par&iacute;s (1913-1917), on obtingu&eacute; els diplomes d&amp;apos;harmonia, contrapunt, piano i cant gregori&agrave;.<br>Va rebre formaci&oacute; entorn a la m&uacute;sica sardan&iacute;stica dels compositors Antoni Junc&agrave;, Llu&iacute;s i Ricard Pitxot i el pianista Enric Costa. La seva obra compositiva conre&agrave; tant el repertori vocal de la m&uacute;sica lit&uacute;rgica, religiosa i civil &ndash;cal destacar les harmonitzacions de nadales catalanes&ndash; com l&amp;apos;instrumental per a orgue, piano, cambra i orquestra, aix&iacute; com el g&egrave;nere sardan&iacute;stic.<br>Civil reb&eacute; diversos premis i distincions, entre les quals la Medalla de Plata de Educaci&oacute;n i Descanso (1965), la Cruz Caballero de Cisneros (1971) i el nomenament com a membre honorari de l&amp;apos;Associaci&oacute; Catalana de Compositors. Des de 1988, s&amp;apos;institu&iacute; el Concurs Anual de Composici&oacute; Francesc Civil (premi Ciutat de Girona).<br>A la seva faceta de int&egrave;rpret, destac&agrave; com a pianista acompanyant al cinema i form&agrave; part de diverses agrupacions musicals fins que es va traslladar a Girona. Des de l&amp;apos;any 1925 i fins 1954 va ser organista de la catedral d&amp;apos;aquesta ciutat.<br>La seva producci&oacute; dins l&amp;apos;&agrave;mbit de la literatura musical inclou les seves col&middot;laboracions amb el Diari de Girona, L&amp;apos;Autonomista, El Piano, Scherzando, Los Sitios i d&amp;apos;altres publicacions gironines. Tamb&eacute; va treballar en la recuperaci&oacute; de dades i documentaci&oacute; sobre els compositors de les comarques gironines, que don&agrave; a con&egrave;ixer en diverses publicacions tant d&amp;apos;&agrave;mbit musicol&ograve;gic com d&amp;apos;&agrave;mbit divulgatiu, edicions d&amp;apos;obres de diversos compositors i articles en numeroses revistes.<br>Com a mestre va exercir des de 1936 a l&amp;apos;Escola Municipal de M&uacute;sica, actualment Conservatori de M&uacute;sica Isaac Alb&eacute;niz de Girona, que fund&agrave; i dirig&iacute; des de 1942 fins el 1965.<br>A l&amp;apos;&agrave;mbit coral ha estat director del Cor Provincial Femen&iacute; i fund&agrave; i dirig&iacute; un grup coral de veus masculines.</p>
ISBN: 9790805434780
Referencia: BW1032960229

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