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This book provides guidelines for evaluating the contribution of Spiritism to health. It is based on conferences presented in six European countries in October 2002 on the following themes: Principles of Spiritist Medicine and Bioethics, Perispirit, The Reincarnation Process, and Human Cloning. This book emphasizes the integral being: Spirit-matter, the complexity of subtle bodies, new concepts of health and illnesses, anamnesis and pathogenesis, and the integration of Spirituality into medical treatments highlighting the healing power of faith and love. It answers serious questions about Human Cloning, such as: "is it acceptable to clone people or to produce human embryos and then use them as a source for various tissues?". This book proposes a de?nitive union between Health and Spirituality in response to man's aspirations and scienti?c pursuits.
What is the contribution of Spiritism to Medicine?
Should people be cloned?
Should human embryos be produced? This book answer these questions and many others, presenting topics such as

?Principles of Spiritist Medicine and Bioethics
?Human Cloning
?Constitution of the Perispirit

With them emerges an integral view of the Human Being: Spirit-matter. In pathological cases, it relates biological, social and psychological factors, but above all, the spiritual ones; in processes of cure, it mobilizes all available resources as well as those which are linked to the soul and its essence: faith, prayer and love.


Atributos LU
Año de Edición
Marlene Nobre, Conrado Santos, Publio Lentulus Coelho, Jussara Korngold, Janis Gilbreath, Regina Bento, Amantino de Freitas, Vanessa Anseloni, André Luis Fígaro Egído
Núm. Páginas
Peso (Físico)
Tamaño Archivo (Virtual)
DRM (Virtual)
Formato Electrónico (Virtual)
The Soul of Matter
Biografía del Autor
<p>Dr. Nobre is a retired Medical Doctor with a specialization in Gynecology and the prevention of uterine cancer. Dr. Nobre participated in internship programs at the S&atilde;o Paulo University General Hospital, Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, under Professor Jos&eacute; Medina; at the Broca Hospital, Paris, under Professor Raoul Palmer; and also at the Central Laboratory for Pathological Anatomy and Clinic Cytology, Boucicault Hospital, Paris, under Professor J. De Br&uuml;x. She was the Director of the Clinical Pathology Services of V&aacute;rzea do Carmo Medical Facility, Health and Social Security National Institute &ndash; Inamps, Sao Paulo. Her current positions include: president of the International and Brazilian Medical Spiritist Association<br>. She is the author of other books: Obsession and its Masks, Our life in the Beyond and Life\'s Clamor.</p>
ISBN: 9786588829028
Referencia: BW1033563048

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