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DerechoLibros ImpresosDerecho: guías de estudio y revisiónIssues in the Justiciability of the Right to Health


The judicialization of health care is increasing dramatically in the last decade worldwide. Although this judicial activism has undoubtedly contributed to guaranteeing the protection of this riqht, many obstacles remain despite this progress. The objective of this book is to evaluate the different challenges and opportunities that States hove in the protection of the Right to Health while maintaining a balanced level of judicial activism. More specifically, it looks to identify in what contexts judicial activism is justified in order to protect the right to health by analysing the dynamics of litigation as well as its consequences. The book starts by presenting a case in Spain. Juan Antonio Maldonado shows how conflicts between different institutions might arise as a result of disagreements about the protection of the right to health in contexts of economic crisis. Thus, the Court had to make difficult decisions about how to solve such conflicts. Afterward, an experience in Slovakia, Central Europe, is presented. Barbara Pavlíkova examines the Slovakian Health system describing its development after the foil of communism and how it is currently being affected by many factors. In a similar vein, Cippitani and Colcelli focus on the topic of Social Rights and how they are recoqniged in the ltatian contexto And finally, Rodolfo Gutiérrez examines the case of Colombia, scrutinlginq how the system, despite expanding its level of coverage, is currently generating a high level of judicialization of health. The concluding chapter carries out a comparative analysis of the cases studied in order to make so me recommendations.


Atributos LU
Año de Edición
Rodolfo Gutiérrez Silva, Juan Antonio Maldonado Molina, Roberto Cippitani, Valentina Colcelli, Barbara Pavlikovo
Núm. Páginas
Peso (Físico)
Tamaño (Físico)
16.5 x 24 cm
Acabado (Físico)
Tapa Rústica
Issues in the Justiciability of the Right to Health
Rodolfo Gutiérrez Silva
Biografía del Autor
Tabla de Contenido


Rodolfo Gutiérrez Silva 

The exclusion of foreigners in an irregular situation from the Right to Health Care in Spain 
Juan Antonio Maldonado Molino 

Justiciability of the Right to Health and the Health System in Slovakia 
Barbara Pavlikova 

Public and Private enforcement of Social Rights
Roberto Cippitoni and Valentino Calcelli 

The Justiciability of the Right to Health Care in Colombia 
Rodolfo Gutiérrez Silva 

General conclusions 

Libros Impresos 3x2
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Todos los libros impresos-2-2022
Flash Sale 20off - 23marzo - 4
ISBN: 9789587601343
Referencia: 362968

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