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Libros ImpresosLibros sobre Ciencias SocialesLibros de Educación y PedagogíaUsing the mother tongue Making the most of the learners language


Students bring different skills and knowledge to the language classroom, but one of the most important resources they possess their own first language is often underused or even ignored. The use of the mother tongue in the foreign language classroom has often been officially discouraged. In the past it was felt that students were not learning the target language if they were speaking their own. But the process of observing the target language and learning how it works can be dramatically enhanced if students mother tongue is used in the right way.Using the Mother Tongue makes the case for the appropriate use of students own language to improve the efficiency, speed and enjoyment of their learning. Nota: el contenido de este libro se encuentra en inglés.Nota: el contenido de este libro se encuentra en inglés.


Atributos LU
Año de Edición
Casa Editorial
Varios Autores
Núm. Páginas
Peso (Físico)
Tamaño (Físico)
21 x 25.5
Using the mother tongue. Making the most of the learner's language
Biografía del Autor
Tabla de Contenido
Personal Prefaces 

Part A
Classroom Management  

Section 1
Advocating and Avoiding Mother Tongue 

My Language, the Other Language 
My Mother Tongue / English Process
Mother Tongue Scribe 
Mother Tongue Alarm Bells 

Section 2
Starting New Groups 

Name groups 
Miming Introductions 
Things in Common 
Guess What I did in the Holidays 
Class Survey 
How I Like to Learn 
Negotiating Ground Rules 

Section 3
Getting On-going feedback 

Head Sentences
Things I Find Difficult
Circle Your Words 
What Do You Want to Say?
Student-generated Dictation 

Part B
Living Language

Section 1

Bilingual Sentence Building 
Contrastive Drill 
Contrasting Tenses or Structures 
Contrastive Grammar Recognition 
Students Help Each Other 
Correction Exercise 
Loud and Soft 
Student-student Tests 
Student-generated Multiple Choice 
Grammar Translation Multiple Choice 
Grammar Exploration via Translation 
Grammar Translation Dictation
Two Language Dictogloss
If I Could Speak English 

Section 2

From 1 to 20
From 10,000 to 50,000 
It's on the Tip of My Tongue 
Before Napoleon 
What's the Verb? 
Guess My Word 
Contrasting Collocations 
Collocational Networks 
The World of 'Give' 
New Words Galore 
One Word, Many Meanings
Using a Mother Tongue Spell Check 
You Scratch My Back 
Group Vocabulary Revision
Cram as Much In as You Can 
Chanting Vocabulary 
Lexical Memory Aid 
True Multiple Choice 
Listening Out for Two Languages 
Working with Loan Words 
Two-Language Dictation 
Bilingual Word Association

Section 3

Cooperative Reading Comprehension
Student Dictates Story to Teacher 
What Do You Mean?
Teacher less Task
Start in Mother Tongue and Finish in English 
Bilingual Pre-teaching of Vocabulary 
Listen and Find 
Home-grown Reading Comprehension 
Guess the Answers 
A Matter of Preference 
Deal with My Post 
From Internal Text to English
Mixed Language Story-telling 
Words from a Story 
Two-Language Chinese Whispers 
Understand the Question from the Answer 

Section 4 

A First Go at Writing 
Translating What You Wrote Me 
Code-switching in Writing 
Family History 
Key Word Dialogues 
You Do the Bits I Can't Do
How Do Parents Sound in English? 
Seen from Many Sides 
Bilingual Letters Round the Class 
Letter Beginnings and Endings 
Minimal Dialogues 
Making Fun of English Sounds 
Mixed-ability Discussions 
Three-phase Discussions 
Respectful Dialogues 
Student-generated Mutual Dictation 
How I’m feeling 
Party People 
Telling Jokes 
The Go-between
Mumbling Stories 

Section 5
Using translation

When Fingers Speak 
Excuses in Two Languages 
Bilingual Chorused Interviews 
Chant into Chant 
Pass the Buck Translation 
Inner Translation 
Speed Translation 
Screwy Translations
Translating Literally 
Word for Word into English 
Semantic Flip Flop 
Delayed Translation 
Read Silently in English and Aloud in Mother Tongue 
Look, No Text! 
Putting a British Advert into Mother Tongue 
Students Choose Songs/ Poems to Translate 
From Paraphrase to Translation 
Author to Translator 
Preparing to Translate an Author 
Letters or E-mails from Home 
Picture Note-taking in Interpreting
Whispering Dictation 

Professional Perspectives Series Information 
Libros Impresos 3x2
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ISBN: 9780954198619
Referencia: 36884

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